First Appearance in Welcome to the Hellmouth, Season 1, Episode One.

Angel was sired by Darla in Galway, Ireland, 1753

Angelus sired Drusilla London, 1860

Angelus was cursed with a soul in Rumania, 1898

Whistler finds Angel in Manhattan 1996, living as a homeless person and points him to Hemery High School in LA to see Buffy. He trains Angel to fight and prepares him to help the Slayer.

Note: Numbers trip up again: Willow states that Angel was eighteen in 1775. But twice so far this season, ("Some Assembly Required" and "Reptile Boy"), Angel has stated that he's 241, which would have him born in 1756 (or 1755, if he hasn't had a birthday yet in 1997). So he would be either 19 or 20 in 1775. (Buffy guide)